Self-Publish to Self-Develop

Self-Publish to Self-Develop

02 Feb 2021


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This informal CPD article Self-Publish to Self-Develop was provided by Liesl Coetzer at Alison, a free online education platform that mostly focuses on workplace-based skills.

When we think of Self-Development, we tend to think about gaining new skills and acquiring new bodies of knowledge. We think in terms of expertise we don’t have. However, upskilling doesn’t always mean gaining new skills from scratch. There’s a way of capitalising on skills we already have which can open up a whole new realm of development: Teaching.

To become an effective teacher, you first need to be an expert in your field. Becoming a teacher means acquiring a new skill by learning how to successfully transmit the knowledge you already have.

Learning to teach means that your existing skills appreciate in value because you’re now equipped to pass them on. Being able to teach is a huge asset to any employee, particularly as their career advances. As you become more senior in your place of work, the chances are you’ll be required to officially onboard new staff or unofficially be expected to mentor new employees and pass on advice.

Free online education platforms allow anyone anywhere to hone their teaching skills and share their expertise by publishing online courses. Online education is as much about teaching as it is about learning and many of the top platforms are keen to facilitate individuals who want to publish courses and share their knowledge.

The ultimate transferable skill

Teaching is a skill that is limitless in its applications. While you might be an expert in accounting, and thus publish accounting courses, the skills you’ll pick up on how to engage people and get your points across are invaluable, and not just in the workplace. Once you’ve got the know-how of how to successfully impart what you know to others, you’ll find yourself “teaching” all day long!

Those who can – teach

They say that only those who really know their subject can teach it effectively. By choosing to publish an online course, you’re assigning yourself the task of reconsidering the knowledge you’ve amassed over your career, and seeing it from new angles. You might find that there concepts or techniques that you take for granted but are actually quite difficult to explain to beginners. In which case, you may find yourself relearning the basics of your craft, which is no bad thing!

Open up new worlds

By publishing courses on an online education platform, you gain a deeper insight into the world of online learning. Top education platforms offer quality assistance in developing and publishing courses and share with you the best educational practises. Developing courses teaches you effective pedagogy which you can then put to good use in your own studies, as you “learn how to learn” from the courses you publish.

Manager Material

Being an Educational Publisher looks great on your CV. Having published a series of courses on a reputable learning platform makes you stand out from your peers. If you’ve developed courses that show a deep knowledge of your industry and that have been well-received, then you’re showing that you’re not just an expert, but someone with initiative who is ready to put themselves forward to lead others.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from Alison, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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For more information from Alison, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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