Why Being an Employee in GCC Gives You Better Chances to Grow Professionally?

Why Being an Employee in GCC Gives You Better Chances to Grow Professionally?

23 Jul 2024

Agile Leaders Project Management Services

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This informal CPD article, ‘Why Being an Employee in GCC Gives You Better Chances to Grow Professionally?’, was provided by Dr. Tarik Albitar, Managing Partner at Agile Leaders Project Management Services, a group of training experts based in the United Arab Emirates who have 20 years of experience in the various types of vocational training and development.

Living in today's dynamic, interconnected world promises the growth of human potential, and often invites us out of our comfort zone. Many companies in the GCC have understood this fact and chosen to offer valuable opportunities for personal and professional development to their employees by allowing them to attend global short-term training courses abroad.

Although it might be seen as a costly option, many of the GCC companies are seeing these courses as an opportunity to change their indigenous workforce with a unique brand of learning and cultural exchange.

Here are some benefits that GCC companies are considering when making training-related decisions.

Exposure to a New Culture and Different Perspectives: Imagine yourself within a different culture, learning something new with every interaction. Doing a training course abroad will enable you to be exposed to various cultures and ways of thinking. This cultural immersion will deepen your appreciation of diversity and raise your ability to work in a multicultural setting. Engagement with international fellows opens your mind to different ways of thinking, sparking creativity and innovation in problem-solving.

Professional Skill Development: Short-term training programs are also tailor-made and structured to develop certain competent skills and knowledge areas which are rather critical to one's field. Leading through the latest technological advancement, managing new skills in management or understanding strategies in global business—these programs provide focused ways of learning. One goes back with practical, ready-to-implement insights gained from world-class instructors.

Building a Global Network: One of the richest aspects of the overseas training experience is the ability to get into contact with fellows all over the world. These professional friends or contacts can, in the long run, get involved in different job opportunities and assist one in clearly understanding varying global industry trends. The relations built during the programs often last longer than this training period, offering a network of support and camaraderie that can benefit you throughout your career.

Personal growth and confidence: Adapting to the environment, overcoming language barriers, or managing daily life in a foreign setup makes a person resilient and adaptable. These experiences add a lot of self-confidence, with which you can approach any problem inside or outside of the office.

Learning from the Best: Attending short-term training courses abroad would expose you to learning from the very best in your field, gaining insights and knowledge that might not be locally available. The skills and experiences of such instructors create a fertile learning ground that can duly elevate your skill set and career opportunities.

Boosting Job Satisfaction: Employees offered professional development programs, such as short-term training overseas, typically become more satisfied with their jobs. The acquisition of new skills and knowledge can result in improved performance and advancement in one's career. Moreover, the excitement one can gain from experiencing a new environment, in turn, may again ignite your passion and motivation for work.


The advantage of working with GCC companies comes from several areas. One of these areas is opportunities for attending short-term training courses abroad. The benefits of these opportunities go beyond what one experiences at universities. Such investments can spur tremendous growth for individuals and companies by arming them with the tools and self-assurance to thrive in the global marketplace.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from Agile Leaders Project Management Services, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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