Why is Cybersecurity Awareness Training Important?

Why is Cybersecurity Awareness Training Important?

11 Sep 2023

CyFay Company for Cyber Security Consultancy Services

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This informal CPD article, 'Why is Cybersecurity Awareness Training Important?,' was provided by Dr. Fai Ben Salamah at CyFay Company for Cyber Security Consultancy Services. Their company believes cyber security should be adaptive according to individuals' and organizations' needs, preferences, and levels of awareness. Their goal is to succeed with you in creating a safe cyber environment.

Cybersecurity Risk Management

Being a company employee requires interacting with coworkers and a challenging cybersecurity environment because cybersecurity combines human and technological skills to defend against cyberattacks. Standing on technology systems to combat cyberattacks in organizations while ignoring the role of the employees’ weaknesses is considered a significant problem in the cybersecurity domain. Organisations should understand that cybersecurity is more than just information technology systems; it also addresses how humans utilise information systems and risky activities that lead to vulnerabilities.

It is crucial for businesses today to recognize that cybersecurity risk management is an integral component of workplace culture and grows from ongoing activity awareness. Developing a defense mechanism against cyber-attacks is generally crucial. However, if organizations can improve training for their staff and formulate effective policies, they can undoubtedly minimize risks arising from hackers. Also, cybersecurity is not only about creating fencing to protect from hackers; in fact, it goes much further than that to include many other important aspects, such as setting cybersecurity policies, risk management, protocols, ethics, and so on.

Some research indicates that organizations resort to training to ensure employees follow set policies and plans. It becomes necessary for an organization to train its staff members to apprise them about the risks involved in using technology. Employee training should be extensive, covering all major topics such as social engineering, strategies adopted by hackers, insecure software, and various cyber threats associated with the internet.

Understanding malware behaviours, reporting potential security threats, supporting or organizational IT policies, and complying with major regulations (HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and so on) fall under cybersecurity awareness training. Researchers indicate that training helps employees understand information security issues in the larger context and realise the consequences that arise due to a lack of security awareness.

Thus, the primary purpose of cybersecurity awareness training is to raise knowledge and empower employees to recognise, impair, and report any cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity awareness training is imperative for end-users to make knowledgeable decisions and approach cyber threats.

Why are Cybersecurity Awareness Programs important?

Given that increased security breaches have occurred due to poor cybersecurity awareness, here are a few recommendations regarding cybersecurity awareness training and education.

  • Cybersecurity awareness and training are essential for building an organization's cybersecurity culture.
  • Cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving, and cybersecurity awareness must adapt accordingly.
  • It is imperative to recognize the role of employees in maintaining a strong cybersecurity posture.
  • It has been agreed that employees are the weakest link in an organization's security.  

What are the potential benefits of Cybersecurity Awareness Training?

  • Prevent social engineering attacks
  • Data protection
  • Mitigation of insider threats
  • Compliance with policies and regulations 

What your Cybersecurity Awareness Training should cover

Finally, training in cybersecurity awareness should be thorough and cover a range of subjects, including password security, phishing awareness, social engineering, safe surfing practices, and secure remote practice. This training ought to:

  • Be updated regularly
  • Provide ongoing education by an expert and skillful trainer
  • Clear, easy to understand with no technical terms
  • Adapted to employees' level of knowledge, preferences, and perceptions of cybersecurity

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from CyFay Company for Cyber Security Consultancy Services, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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CyFay Company for Cyber Security Consultancy Services

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