Future of London
Future of London helps build better cities through knowledge, networks and leadership – across disciplines, organisations and sectors. We are the Capital’s independent network for regeneration, housing, infrastructure and economic development practitioners, with 5,000+ professionals using FoL as a hub for sector intelligence, connection and professional development, and a mandate to prepare the next generation of cross-sector city leaders.
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CPD Courses & Workshops
Investigating Project Feasibility for Residential...
Future of London
This one-day course will enable you to successfully plan a programme of further investigation based...
Training Course
Financial Appraisals and Viability for Residential...
Future of London
This half-day course will explore the principles behind using financial models to ensure a scheme is...
Training Course
Initial Site Analysis for Residential Development
Future of London
On this half-day course participants go through the practicalities of identifying site opportunities...
Training Course
Financial Appraisals and Commercial Assessment for...
Future of London
This day and a half course is for mid to senior staff who are experienced at running financial appra...
Training Course
Procurement Specifications for Residential Develop...
Future of London
On this full day course participants are taken through how to get the most value from procurement. T...
Training Course
Private Sector Partnerships; Finance and Risk Mana...
Future of London
This course will examine how partnerships with the private sector can bring in new sources of financ...
Training Course
Maintaining Project Viability: Cost; Procurement;...
Future of London
This course will explore the development management processes; particularly procurement and budget m...
Training Course
Effective Strategies for Stakeholder and Community...
Future of London
This course will explore how and when to engage a range of stakeholders; particularly the community;...
Training Course

CPD Subsectors
Building Environment
Cabling & Infrastructure