Naomi Korn Associates

Naomi Korn Associates

We support our clients to comply with the law. We also help them to exploit their assets commercially through better rights and privacy management. We do this by integrating our legal, commercial, information governance and technical expertise into our clients' practices. We help our clients achieve authoritative and affordable results. From documentation reviews to policy development and staff training, we collaborate with our clients, working flexibility around their requirements, to help them to achieve their outcomes, build confidence and increase organisational resilience.

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CPD Courses & Workshops


Data Protection Essentials

Naomi Korn Associates

This comprehensive full day course provides a practical and hands-on approach to understanding data...
Training Course

Copyright Basics

Naomi Korn Associates

Copyright is an exclusive legal right granted to the creator of original work to permit or prevent o...
Online Course

Exceptions to Copyright

Naomi Korn Associates

Exceptions to copyright provide opportunities to use copyright protected works without the need to g...
Online Course

Copyright Essentials

Naomi Korn Associates

This detailed course provides a comprehensive introduction to the practical aspects of copyright whi...
Online Course

Managing Orphan Works

Naomi Korn Associates

In copyright; where the rights holders are either unknown or cannot be traced; these are known as Or...
Online Course

Creative Commons Licensing

Naomi Korn Associates

Creative Commons Licences are increasingly used to facilitate the sharing and repurposing of copyrig...
Online Course

Copyright and Volunteer Management

Naomi Korn Associates

The cultural heritage sector relies on volunteers. However; volunteers do not have the same legal st...
Online Course

Copyright Licensing

Naomi Korn Associates

Licences are the tool used by rights holders to enable the reuse of their intellectual property asse...
Online Course

Crown and Parliamentary Copyright

Naomi Korn Associates

Crown copyright subsists in material created by civil servants; ministers and government departments...
Online Course

Copyright and Audio-Visual Material

Naomi Korn Associates

Copyright in audio visual material such as film and sound recordings is complicated due to the layer...
Online Course

Information Sharing; Data Processors and Contracts

Naomi Korn Associates

This course will benefit participants looking for a course to help them understand the requirements...
Training Course

Data Protection Rights (focused on Data Subject Ac...

Naomi Korn Associates

This course will benefit participants seeking a practical course to help understand their responsibi...
Training Course

Privacy by Design: Data Protection Impact Assessme...

Naomi Korn Associates

This course will benefit practitioners looking for a practical course to help them understand the re...
Training Course

Information Security and Data Breach Management

Naomi Korn Associates

This course provides a practical approach to understanding the security elements of data protection....
Training Course

Data Protection Basics

Naomi Korn Associates

This half day course provides a practical approach to understanding data protection. Participants wi...
Training Course

Data Protection Law for Archives; Museums and Libr...

Naomi Korn Associates

This comprehensive half day course provides a practical approach to understanding data protection in...
Training Course

The Freedom of Information Act and Environmental I...

Naomi Korn Associates

This course will benefit participants seeking a practical course to help understand their responsibi...
Training Course

Lawful Digital Marketing and Consent

Naomi Korn Associates

This half-day course sets out and explains the regulatory framework for conducting lawful marketing...
Training Course
Naomi Korn Associates
Naomi Korn Associates London United Kingdom
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Business Consultancy
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Online & E-learning