Showing 32 of 3,635 results
First Aid eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to provide the learner with a basic understanding of the knowledge behind the techn...
Online Course
Fluids & Nutrition eLearning
The Access Group
This eLearning course is intended to provide the learner with the knowledge required to support peop...
Online Course
Foot Care eLearning
The Access Group
This short course has been designed to provide the learner with information on good practice for foo...
Online Course
Hoarding and Clutter eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to raise awareness on reporting concerns relating to hoarding and clutter and how t...
Online Course
Immunisations & Vaccines eLearning
The Access Group
This course has been designed to provide all healthcare workers and healthcare professionals with th...
Online Course
Infection Prevention & Control eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to raise the learner's knowledge and awareness of infections common to the healthca...
Online Course
Infection Prevention Control in Community Care eLe...
The Access Group
This course; designed specifically for Community Care; aims to raise the learner's knowledge and awa...
Online Course
MAR Charts eLearning
The Access Group
The aim of this course is to enable the learner to understand the correct procedures for completing...
Online Course
MCA & DoLS eLearning
The Access Group
The Mental Capacity Act gives clear information for supporting people who lack the capacity to make...
Online Course
Medication Administration Awareness eLearning
The Access Group
This course will provide the learner with the essential knowledge needed for the safe handling of me...
Online Course
Medication in Community Care eLearning
The Access Group
This course will provide the learner with the essential knowledge needed for the safe handling of me...
Online Course
Mental Capacity (Northern Ireland) Act eLearning
The Access Group
The Mental Capacity (Northern Ireland) Act gives clear information for supporting people who lack th...
Online Course
Mental Health eLearning
The Access Group
Mental Health issues are common. However; these issues are often complex. There are a large number o...
Online Course
Moving & Handling People eLearning
The Access Group
This course ensures the learner is working to current moving and handling guidelines; and alleviates...
Online Course
Oral Health eLearning
The Access Group
This short course has been designed to help the learner discover the importance of oral health.
Online Course
Original Pack Dispensing eLearning
The Access Group
This course has been developed in partnership with Lloyds Pharmacy and aims to outline the rationale...
Online Course
Patient Consent eLearning
The Access Group
This course has been designed to provide all healthcare workers and healthcare professionals who are...
Online Course
Personality Disorder eLearning
The Access Group
This course has been designed to provide the learner with the skills to classify types of personalit...
Online Course
Person-centred Care eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to illustrate what person-centred care and support should include. On successful co...
Online Course
Positive Behaviour Support eLearning
The Access Group
This course will enable the learner to recognise the reasons for behaviours which challenge and to h...
Online Course
Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment eLearning
The Access Group
This course has been developed for nurses and carers who may have to deal with this serious conditio...
Online Course
Safeguarding and Protection of Adults eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to ensure the learner has the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and r...
Online Course
Safeguarding Children eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to provide the learner with the knowledge and understanding of types of child abuse...
Online Course
Self-harm eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to educate learners about the warning signs and potential risk factors for self-har...
Online Course
Sepsis Awareness eLearning
The Access Group
In the UK alone; 5 people per hour die from sepsis. This course aims to provide the learner with the...
Online Course
Sexuality & Relationships in LD eLearning
The Access Group
Many people with disabilities are unable to deal with their feelings appropriately or feel unable to...
Online Course
Stoma Care eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to provide domiciliary and community carers with the information they need to suppo...
Online Course
Substance Misuse eLearning
The Access Group
This course is designed to introduce the topic of substance misuse.
Online Course
Topical Medication eLearning
The Access Group
A topical medication is a medication that is applied to a particular place on or in the body. On suc...
Online Course
Types and Causes of Urinary Incontinence eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to provide the learner with the knowledge of different types of urinary incontinenc...
Online Course
Urinary Incontinence - an Introduction eLearning
The Access Group
This course aims to provide the learner with the skills and knowledge to recognise what incontinence...
Online Course
Venepuncture eLearning
The Access Group
Venepuncture is used as a diagnostic aid in patient management. Anyone who practises venepuncture mu...