CPD Courses

Supporting Transition

Webinar ADDvanced Solutions

About the CPD course

A two-hour webinar discussing difficulties with transition for neurodivergent children and young people; designed to support teachers who are working with neurodivergent children and young people. This webinar aims to help you understand why neurodivergent pupils struggle with change; and to provide strategies and approaches to support these pupils with both simple and more complex transitions. Opportunity will be given for questions and engagement is welcomed throughout the session; and we welcome the sharing of good practice by those attending the webinar.

CPD Provider

ADDvanced Solutions

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ADDvanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions is a leading provider of learning, coaching and mentoring programmes specialising in neurodevelopmental conditions and specific learning difficulties for professionals supporting families impacted by these conditions. We also develop and deliver person-centred consultancy services. Our training and consultancy support is designed to enable professionals to better support the emotional health and wellbeing of children, young people and families with neurodiversity needs, specific learning difficulties and associated mental health needs, whilst improving social and educational outcomes for children and young people. We also offer learning focused on eating, toileting and sleeping difficulties and associated mental health needs.

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