CPD Courses

Equality; Diversity and Inclusion for Employees

Training Course Silk Helix

About the CPD course

Our Equality; Diversity and Inclusion workshop is designed to safeguard your business by raising understanding and awareness for your whole team. This interactive 2 hour session will give employees: A Deeper Understanding of EDI: Discover what Equality; Diversity; and Inclusion mean and why they’re vital to success; Recognising and Addressing Unconscious Bias: Identify biases that can impact decisions and interactions within your team; Recognising and Reporting Bullying and Harassment: Gain insight into workplace bullying; including sexual harassment; and learn when and how to report it; Defining Acceptable Workplace Behaviour: Clarify behaviours that promote a safe; inclusive; and respectful workplace.

CPD Provider

Silk Helix

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Silk Helix

Silk Helix

Based in Essex, we provide HR support to small business. Often our clients have no internal HR expertise or small HR teams that need a little extra help. Getting legal compliance right is a challenge for any small business, you are often working with limited resources and need to focus on growing your business. On top of that, you rely on your people to deliver your excellent products and services. We marry the legal compliance with creating company cultures that value and support great performance. We will work with you as your HR partner. We get to know your business supporting you to be compliant as well as adding value.

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