CPD Courses
Responding To Suicide (RTS) – Armed Forces Community
Training Course • Suicide Bereavement UK
About the CPD course
Responding to suicide (RTS) training for the Armed Forces community is evidence-based: practice-based: and informed by research conducted by Suicide Bereavement UK. The workshop helps to increase the knowledge: confidence and skills of those who come into contact with those bereaved by suicide in the Armed Forces community. This includes providing tools: techniques: and practical information to enhance the initial response: to those bereaved by suicide: as well as developing strategies to take better care of themselves. Attendees explore how they can improve their responses: to help ensure better outcomes for those bereaved/affected by suicide: including themselves.
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Suicide Bereavement UK
Suicide Bereavement UK conducts suicide bereavement research, provides consultancy on postvention and develops and delivers evidence-based suicide bereavement training. The team have considerable experience working in this field and have a unique skill set, which enables them to be considered leaders in this newly developing field in the UK. We also hold an annual international suicide bereavement conference in Manchester every September, where over 350 attend from 8 different countries.Want to learn more?
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