CPD Courses


See the latest Legal Services CPD courses from the Legal industry

Showing 48 of 706 results

Legal Services

AML Training Course


Course developed to provide learner with an understanding of Money Laundering; how to spot it and ho...
Training Course
Legal Services

Definição e Bases do Compliance - C147

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso temos como foco dotar os participantes de conhecimentos e informações sobre a importânci...
Online Course
Legal Services

Managing Investigation & Disciplinary

Peninsula Business Services

This course is aimed at employers / managers or supervisors who may be appointed to conduct investig...
Online Course
Legal Services

Basilea II - Análisis - E210

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso explora a análise de Basileia II e as suas implicações para as instituições bancárias e d...
Online Course
Legal Services

Copyright and Audio-Visual Material

Naomi Korn Associates

Copyright in audio visual material such as film and sound recordings is complicated due to the layer...
Online Course
Legal Services

Introdução aos Indicadores Chave de Desempenho KPI...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso aprenderemos fundamentos da gestão por indicadores e desempenho e os fundamentos de como...
Online Course
Legal Services

Contract and Legal Document Drafting Course

British Legal Centre

The Contract and Legal Document Drafting 15-hour Course presents practical key English contract draf...
Training Course
Legal Services

Investigación de la propiedad - E253

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Esta formação em investigação da propriedade irá proporcionar-lhe uma compreensão profunda dos dife...
Online Course
Legal Services

Parent SEN Advocacy Training Programme

SEN Action

The Parent SEN Advocacy Training Programme prepares parents to become trainee advocates to support t...
Training Course
Legal Services

Advanced Caldicott Guardian Workshop - Day to Day...

BLS Stay Compliant

This seminar will bring attendees up to date with the latest relevant European rulings; challenge th...
Training Course
Legal Services

Prevenir o Contencioso Laboral - C134

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos como identificar e aplicar as principais ferramentas de prevenção do con...
Online Course
Legal Services

Redundancy Or Restructure: How To Make Your Busine...

Peninsula Business Services

This course is aimed at employers / managers or supervisors who may be appointed to manage redundanc...
Online Course
Legal Services

Base Jurídica de la Figura de Amigos de la Corte -...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso foi concebido para proporcionar aos participantes uma ampla compreensão da base legal da...
Online Course
Legal Services

Art – Refresher & Government Updates AML Training

FCS Compliance Ltd

Art Market Participants (AMPs) attending the Refresher course must have previous experience of atten...
Training Course
Legal Services

Controlo Interno no Sector Financeiro - C123

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação teremos um perfeito embasamento sobre as questões de controles internos financeiros n...
Online Course
Legal Services

Certified Enterprise Risk Management Practitioner...

Global Risk Clinic Aps

The ‘Certified Enterprise Risk Management Practitioner’ executive course is designed to provide atte...
Training Course
Legal Services

Equality at work: Introduction to UK discriminatio...

Peninsula Business Services

This course aims to provide employers / managers or supervisors with an overview of types of discrim...
Online Course
Legal Services

Fundamentos de Victimología - E266

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Fundamentos de Vitimologia é uma formação online abrangente que cobre os aspectos chave da vitimolog...
Online Course
Legal Services

Art – Specialist MLRO Level AML Training Course

FCS Compliance Ltd

An AML course dedicated to Art Market Participants (AMPs) that hold the role of Money Laundering Rep...
Training Course
Legal Services

Tackling Modern Slavery: Working Practices for Fir...


This intermediate eLearning is aimed at First Responders with a duty to refer potential victims of s...
Online Course
Legal Services

Controlos Internos e Compliance na Empresa - C121

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos a promover a compreensão e interiorização de uma cultura de controle int...
Online Course
Legal Services

Formas de actuación sobre las víctimas del delito...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso visa fornecer uma visão geral das várias formas de agir sobre as vítimas de crime e suas...
Online Course
Legal Services

Art – Foundation Level AML Training Course

FCS Compliance Ltd

It is a legal requirement for all relevant Art Market Participants to receive AML training and to st...
Training Course
Legal Services

Lawful Digital Marketing and Consent

Naomi Korn Associates

This half-day course sets out and explains the regulatory framework for conducting lawful marketing...
Training Course
Legal Services

Aspectos Jurídicos das Fraudes - C93

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos sobre o contexto criminológico das fraudes ocupacionais e os aspectos ju...
Online Course
Legal Services

Modos de Atribución de Hechos a Personas Jurídicas...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso profundizará en el conocimiento de las posibles vías de imputación de responsabilidad a l...
Online Course
Legal Services

Teoria Big Five na Gestão - C92

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos as vantagens da utilização das técnicas de perfil da personalidade em di...
Online Course
Legal Services

Digital Forensics - A Fair Judicial Process

SYTECH - Digital Forensics

This webinar will help to understand how Digital Forensic Evidence is used to support a fair judicia...
Legal Services

Requisitos para la Responsabilidad Penal de las Pe...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso examina os requisitos de responsabilidade criminal das pessoas colectivas no Código Penal...
Online Course
Legal Services

Advising with Conviction – Online


Supporting practitioners who are either advising or supporting people with criminal records into emp...
Online Course
Legal Services

Fraudes em Concursos Público - C91

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos como identificar e buscar indícios das principais fraudes ocorridas nos...
Online Course
Legal Services

Introducción a la Innovación y Competitividad - E2...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Um curso abrangente para fornecer aos profissionais as competências e ferramentas necessárias para c...
Online Course
Legal Services

Train the trainer to prevent gender-based violence

Restorative Justice for All International Institute

This CPD certified e-course aims to train youth workers and educators so that they become able to tr...
Online Course
Legal Services

Compliance como suporte ao Sistema de Prevenção de...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos como o compliance nos pode dar uma base da prevenção e mitigação dos ris...
Online Course
Legal Services

Perfil del defraudador en la criminología corporat...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso iremos explorar as características de um fraudador corporativo e o que as organizações p...
Online Course
Legal Services

Get to Grips with Universal Credit (Advanced)

Society Matters CIC

Maintaining a Universal Credit claim can also be a challenge especially if you suffer from addiction...
Training Course
Legal Services

Training for Caldicott Guardians

BLS Stay Compliant

To train and equip Caldicott Guardians to enable information sharing where it is appropriate to shar...
Training Course
Legal Services

Fire Marshal Training

Law At Work

Anyone with responsibility for any action in a fire needs to be trained in what their proper respons...
Training Course
Legal Services

Introdução à Programação Neurolinguística - C86

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos as técnicas mais eficazes para estabelecer ou melhorar a comunicação com...
Online Course
Legal Services

El Cumplimiento y su relacion con la Gobernación -...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso de formação foi concebido para fornecer uma visão abrangente do Cumprimento e da sua rela...
Online Course
Legal Services

Law on Tour - Employment Law Update

KLC Employment Law Consultants

A course to bring HR professionals right up to date with current employment legislation; case law an...
Training Course
Legal Services

Gestão dos canais de denúncia - C76

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso aprenderemos os passos que devemos tomar para implementação de um canal de denúncias em...
Online Course
Legal Services

Herramientas de comunicación remota - E311

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso irá adquirir conhecimentos sobre como usar eficazmente várias ferramentas de comunicação...
Online Course
Legal Services

Gestão de denúncias e investigação Interna - C74

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso aprenderemos os principais conceitos importância e benefícios que podem trazer uma boa g...
Online Course
Legal Services

Gestión de personas VS Gestión de objetivos - E314

PetroShore Compliance Business School

A gestão dos objetivos centra-se em estabelecer metas claras para uma empresa e assegurar que essas...
Online Course
Legal Services

Diploma D1 - Bookkeeping for Legal Finance Profess...

The Institute of Legal Finance & Management - ILFM

The ILFM Diploma course comprises two certificates; Bookkeeping for Legal Finance Professionals and...
Legal Services

UK Employment Law Course

Sherrards Employment Law Solicitors

The Sherrards Academy; UK Employment Law Course; delivers bite-size employment law/HR related course...
Legal Services

Bereavement Services E-Conference 2021

Finders International

The main objective of this event is to raise awareness of external organisations and research which...