CPD Courses


See the latest CPD courses from the Social Care industry

Showing 48 of 7,882 results

Social Care

Leadership and Management.

Vocational Training Services

A course designed for those working in the health and social care sector who are looking to take the...
Training Course
Social Care

LivingWorks ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Sk...


LivingWorks ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is the gold standard; evidence-base...
Training Course
Social Care


Talent for Care

The program offers a support; personal and professional development opportunity to experienced clini...
Training Course
Social Care

Child Sexual Abuse Practice Leads Programme

Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse

The purpose of the Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Practice Leads Programme is to drive and support broad s...
Training Course
Social Care

Women’s Health After Motherhood


Learn how to take care of your physical and mental health after giving birth and feel supported duri...
Online Course
Social Care

Attachment: Looked After Children

Laura Taylor Training

This course explores the key principles of attachment; making links to the child’s internal working...
Training Course
Social Care

Basic Ladder Awareness (main course)

ETD Training

This course will provide detailed information on correct pitches; ladder angles; types of ladders; l...
Online Course
Social Care


Oplex Careers

This course introduces the psychology concepts and discusses the key knowledge and skills required....
Online Course
Social Care


Flow Hospitality Training

This FLOW module introduces you to the world of wine. You will learn how to serve the wine correctly...
Online Course
Social Care

Working in the NHS - Navigating Change & Effective...

First Thought Training

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) stated that - in 2014/15 - 440,000 people in the UK reported a...
Training Course
Social Care

Certified Project Management Specialist Certified...

Wilson Training

Through learning the roles and responsibilities of project managers; participants will develop; amon...
Online Course
Social Care

Trusted Assessor

Disabled Living

A "Trusted Assessor" when trained will be able to assess for and prescribe a simple solution or a ba...
Training Course
Social Care

Train the trainer 2 day course to deliver awarenes...


This 2 day train the trainer course offers experienced local authority staff a comprehensive groundi...
Training Course
Social Care

Lead Awareness

High Speed Training

This Lead Awareness training course is designed to provide learners with an understanding of how to...
Online Course
Social Care

Equality; Diversity & Inclusion - Level 2

ECERT Training

Know what is meant by equality; diversity; inclusion and discrimination.
Online Course
Social Care

Effective Communication with Children and Families

Me Learning

This inspiring course will help enable you to communicate effectively with children; young people an...
Online Course
Social Care

1-day Skills Training in Suicide Prevention Level...

STORM Skills Training

This course focuses on the skills needed to help a person at risk of suicide. The modular based prog...
Training Course
Social Care

Degenerative Diseases: Understanding the Conditio...

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Outline some of the physical and psychological changes that can occur when a person has Motor Neuron...
Online Course
Social Care

Professional Modelling

International Open Academy

Love to be a model but don't know where to start? It's an exciting; glamorous world and also very co...
Online Course
Social Care

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Altura Learning United Kingdom

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are designed to protect each individual’s basic right t...
Online Course
Social Care

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Flourish Learning

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a set of entirely preventable mental and physical birth...
Online Course
Social Care

Setting up your food business for delivery – emplo...

Virtual College

This short module is designed for employers and owners of food businesses who wish to set up their b...
Online Course
Social Care

Feline Behaviour and Psychology Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence

This course gives an understanding of what is going on in the mind of your cat(s); why they do certa...
Online Course
Social Care

Side effects of clozapine

Virtual College

Clozapine is an antipsychotic drug which has some side effects that are not seen with other drugs in...
Online Course
Social Care

Communicating with Children

The Foster Carer Training Company

The objective of this course is to understand why it is sometimes difficult to communicate with chil...
Online Course
Social Care

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence

The comprehensive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Diploma Course will teach you a wide range of...
Online Course
Social Care

Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) Support Network...

Spinal Injuries Association

To raise awareness on the physical/emotional effects and impact of spinal cord injury (SCI) on patie...
Training Course
Social Care

Pressure Ulcer Prevention - Level 1

The Mandatory Training Group

Pressure ulcers are localised areas of tissue necrosis that tend to develop when soft tissue is comp...
Training Course
Social Care

LGBTQ+ Awareness

SAYiT - Sheena Amos Youth Trust

SAYiT have devised this holistic training course aimed at all businesses and service providers who w...
Training Course
Social Care

Anaphylaxis Awareness

Flourish Learning

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction. It can happen very quickly and may cause death...
Online Course
Social Care

Motor Neurone Disease

Flourish Learning

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a progressive condition with currently no known cause. Deterioration...
Online Course
Social Care

Working at Height Awareness

MoreCPD Ltd

40 people die each year due falling from height in the UK. This working at height awareness course p...
Online Course
Social Care

Caring for a child of a different ethnicity

The Foster Carer Training Company

This course is for foster carers who are looking after a child with a different ethnic background; o...
Online Course
Social Care

Disciplinaries and Investigations

Wilkin Chapman LLP

This course is to provide essential knowledge of disciplinary issues to those with line management o...
Training Course
Social Care

Structured Judgement Review Training


This training will make teach delegates how to undertake Structured Judgement Reviews that align wit...
Training Course
Social Care

Carpet Care and Odour Control

Blueleaf Care

This carpet care and odour control webinar investigates why bad odours occur and what you can do to...
Social Care

Domestic Abuse Training for Educational Providers

The YOU Trust

The purpose of this workshop is to give learners an enhanced knowledge of domestic abuse and stalkin...
Social Care

Design Options

Eagle Point Software

In this Revit course; the learner will be presented standard workflows and best practices for using...
Online Course
Social Care

Sage Bookkeeping Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence

If you’re considering a career in bookkeeping; this course provides an excellent starting point. Pac...
Online Course
Social Care

Introduction to Childhood Deafness

National Deaf Children's Society

Find out how childhood deafness can impact deaf children in the early years if they do not receive t...
Online Course
Social Care

Domestic abuse in later life

Safer Places Professional Training and Development

Older victims/survivors are often invisible from domestic abuse services. They are at an increased r...
Online Course
Social Care

Achieving Sustainable Development


Explore the challenges of sustainable development. See the impact of UN Sustainable Development Goal...
Online Course
Social Care

Basic Ladder Awareness (refresher course)

ETD Training

This course will provide detailed information on correct pitches; ladder angles; types of ladders; l...
Online Course
Social Care

Child Protection Core One


This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers (particularly during induction periods) to ensure t...
Training Course
Social Care

Working in a Kitchen

Flow Hospitality Training

This module equips you with some of the basic skills and knowledge you will require to work effectiv...
Online Course
Social Care

Investigative skills and evidence gathering refres...

Peel Recruitment & Training Solutions

To provide retired or retiring investigators with an overview of the latest methods employed during...
Training Course
Social Care

Customer Service Manager Certification

Wilson Training

With case studies and the appropriate coaching; participants will master the skills necessary for ap...
Online Course
Social Care

Moving & Handling Update for Trainers and Assessor...

Disabled Living

The format and content of this training day reflects the latest information; equipment and professio...
Training Course