Inspiring Change: Strategies to Attract More Men into Education

Inspiring Change: Strategies to Attract More Men into Education

02 Aug 2023

This informal CPD article, ‘Inspiring Change: Strategies to Attract More Men into Education‘, was provided by Male Childcare and Teaching Jobs, an organisation seeking to raise awareness of gender stereotypes and tackle male underrepresentation in childcare and education settings.

With an increasing recognition of gender balance across various sectors, education, notably early childhood education, remains a mostly unrepresentative profession. To create a diverse, inclusive, and well-rounded learning environment, it's crucial to inspire more men to venture into the field of education. This article presents employers with practical, evidence-based strategies to motivate men to embark on careers within this essential sector.

Recognising the Importance of Gender Diversity in Education

Creating a gender-diverse environment in education isn't just about ticking boxes for diversity and inclusion. It holds profound benefits for children and the educational community as a whole. Children exposed to educators of both genders gain access to different teaching styles, perspectives, and experiences. Male educators can serve as vital role models for boys and challenge the ingrained gender stereotypes that can limit children's perceptions of their capabilities. By understanding and promoting the importance of gender diversity in the teaching staff, employers can pave the way for more men to consider and pursue careers in education.

Action 1: Reframing the Narrative through Public Awareness Campaigns

Societal perceptions and stereotypes can deter men from exploring careers in education. Employers can help shift these perceptions by launching public awareness campaigns that challenge stereotypes and highlight the vital contributions of male educators. Craft campaigns that showcase real-life stories of successful male teachers making a difference. These narratives can serve to inspire potential candidates, showing them the meaningful impact they can have on the lives of children. Include these stories in newsletters, social media posts, and local community events to reach a wider audience.

Action 2: Revamping Recruitment Strategies

Attracting more male candidates necessitates a reconsideration of existing recruitment strategies. Here's how employers can enhance their recruitment practices:

  1. Targeted Outreach: Design job postings that explicitly encourage men to apply. Incorporate language that emphasises the importance and positive impact of male educators in the job description. Be sure to highlight the benefits, opportunities, and supportive environment your organisation offers to its male educators. Use diversity job boards to promote your vacancies.
  2. Career Fairs: Actively participate in career fairs at universities and colleges, promoting teaching as a viable and rewarding career option to male students. Engage them in conversations about the unique benefits and opportunities your organisation provides to male educators.
  3. School Partnerships: Establish partnerships with local high schools, colleges, and universities. Run informational sessions, workshops, or "day in the life" experiences to give potential candidates a first-hand look at a career in education.
Understanding the importance of male educators


Action 3: Foster a Supportive Professional Environment

Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment is key to not only attracting male educators but also retaining them. Here are some practices that can contribute to a positive workplace:

  1. Mentorship Programs: Implement mentorship programs that pair new male educators with experienced ones. Such programs can provide new recruits with guidance, reassurance, and the knowledge needed to navigate their initial journey in the educational field.
  2. Professional Development Opportunities: Regularly offer professional development courses tailored to the needs and interests of male educators. This shows your commitment to their growth and can help them further their careers within your organisation.
  3. Creating Networks: Foster a sense of community by creating networks or groups within your organisation where male educators can share their experiences and offer each other support. You could also join existing groups or community forums for your male educators to meet with other colleagues nationwide. This can significantly enhance their sense of belonging and job satisfaction. 

Action 4: Offering Extended Paternity Leave

Employers can also make a career in education more attractive to men by offering extended paternity leave. In a world where the roles of fathers are changing and more men are sharing in parenting responsibilities, extended paternity leave has become a significant factor in job choice.

Extended paternity leave not only signals that an organization values work-life balance but also recognises the essential role that fathers play in their children's lives. Implementing such policies can demonstrate your organization's commitment to its employees' personal lives and well-being. Furthermore, extended paternity leave can also contribute to job satisfaction and retention, making it a win-win for both the organization and its employees.


Promoting gender diversity in education is not just a matter of ticking boxes; it's about creating an enriching, balanced, and inclusive learning environment that mirrors the diverse world for which we prepare our children. Employers hold a pivotal role in this transformation. By understanding the importance of male educators and implementing the strategies outlined above, they can effectively encourage more men to consider and thrive in a career in education.

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