Managing Conflict

Managing Conflict

15 Aug 2024


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This informal CPD article, ‘Managing Conflict’, was provided by Linda James MBE, founder of BulliesOut, one of the UK’s most dedicated and ambitious anti-bullying charities.

Managing conflict is something that all of us will encounter at some point in our lives. This can be conflict within our family situation, conflict between friends or conflict within a workplace setting. However it manifests itself, conflict can be difficult to endure and to manage, so how do we go about this?

Firstly, we must be able to name it and identify it as conflict. Being able to do this gives us the knowledge and the understanding of what it is so that we can then look to deal with the matter. Secondly, we must understand that not all conflicts are able to reach a resolution; some conflicts will create a divide which is insurmountable and cannot be fixed but often these are necessary conflicts when you are making choices based on your values and how you aspire to be in life. The third thing we need to do is identify a way of either managing or resolving the conflict once we understand that not all conflicts can be resolved.

How to identify conflict

Conflict will usually follow the pattern identified below:

  • A disagreement or a difference of opinion
  • An inevitable part of group dynamics
  • A situation where there is equal power between those involved
  • Usually, an isolated or occasional incident
  • All involved will try to resolve the situation

Once we understand that the situation we are faced with or embroiled in is one of conflict then we can find the tools we need to be able to manage that situation.

Conflicts which divide

There will always be some conflicts within our lives which cause a divide, but this doesn’t necessarily have to mean a bitter end to a relationship but perhaps sometimes a simple understanding that two people or groups of people have different opinions and the other chooses to respect those.

There are, of course, times when a conflict can cause a deep divide which is impossible to repair. At these times in our lives, we need to find solace in our friends and family who are still around to support us as we navigate our way through what life looks like following that divide.

Managing and resolving conflict

Once we identify that there is an ability to manage and resolve the conflict we are in or facing, we then need to identify ways in which to do so. Some of these could include, depending on the actual situation:

  • An informal conversation
  • Professional mediation
  • An open group discussion
  • Training to increase skills and knowledge
  • Following a formal process or procedure

It is often likely that one or more of the above will need to be involved in resolving conflict to reach the end goal of achieving a positive resolution for all involved. This may also take time and energy, and the matter may have to be revisited or worked through several times in order to resolve. It is important to utilise your support networks (either personal or professional) in these times to ensure you can receive the necessary anchorage to engage everyone in the resolution process and reach a positive outcome.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from BulliesOut, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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For more information from BulliesOut, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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