The benefits of a motivational speaker inspiring your team

The benefits of a motivational speaker inspiring your team

21 Sep 2022


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This informal CPD article The benefits of a motivational speaker inspiring your team was provided by BrainSparx, a mental health support organisation and 4 step process that helps people understand ‘why we do the things we do’, ‘feel the way we feel’ and ‘act the way we act’.

The benefits of a motivational speaker inspiring your team

At one point or another, we have all had a difficult day at work; be that because we’ve felt overwhelmed with our workloads or found ourselves facing the consequences of poor business decisions made across the company. Whilst this tends to occur infrequently for the most part, in many offices employees find it’s a common occurrence, leaving them feeling disengaged, disheartened, and entirely unmotivated.

Managers’ efforts to motivate their staff can quickly feel repetitive and uninspiring, falling on deaf ears. Even the most successful leaders can benefit from guidance and support when looking to motivate their employees as, quite simply, staff sometimes disengage from internal communications. For this reason, a growing number of businesses are recognising the value of incorporating professional speakers into their motivational strategies.

Motivational speakers are typically industry professionals, well established in their field of expertise with a proven track record of success. These individuals partner with businesses to offer fresh perspectives, professional experience, success stories, and more; their aims are typically to enhance and strengthen a business by inspiring and motivating employees. Although, these aren’t the only benefits to utilising a guest speaker.

My name is Anthony Webb, otherwise known as The Brain Whisperer, and I am a professional motivational speaker who works alongside businesses to enrich their teams, motivate, and propel a business’ success. To demystify the many advantages to working with a motivational speaker, I am outlining the key benefits employers ought to be aware of.

1. Delivering inspirational success stories

Motivational speakers are often seen as some of the most knowledgeable individuals in their respective industries. However, it’s their personal experiences that truly set them apart from other technical or keynote speakers. Within the world of business, working professionals can often find themselves feeling overwhelmed or stressed, with little light at the end of the tunnel. Hearing from a leader with relatable experiences of having overcome personal hurdles can be massively powerful. Motivational speakers can communicate their own first-hand experiences, allowing them to form a stronger connection with their audience and make a lasting impact.

For example, I myself have struggled with suicidal ideation and depression after being what many would describe as the quintessentially successful businessman; I owned multiple million-pound businesses, and yet, I found myself in an extremely dark place. Now, I’ve overcome this and use my experiences to help others. I find this honesty resonates with every audience, I am sincere in my advice and my story certainly inspires. Ultimately, motivational speakers bring a personal touch that’s invaluable when looking to motivate employees.

2. Helping people to see things differently

One of the most important benefits that motivational speakers bring to the table is their objectivity. As motivational speakers are not intrinsically linked with the businesses they visit, they can review and advise without bias. It is this absence of subjectivity that allows their messages to resonate with staff; they do not feel they’re being fed information that’s convenient for their employers, nor do they feel this attempt to motivate is a half-hearted internal strategy.

3. Fostering employee engagement and performance

Whilst pay increases and reward programs have historically been the go-to option for managers looking to encourage engagement and heightened performance amongst their employees, this doesn’t mean more cannot be done to motivate and engage. As it’s been reported that only around 9% of UK working adults feel consistently enthused with their work, a figure which has declined steadily over the last decade, going above and beyond is certainly worth considering.

Fortunately, sometimes all that is needed to engage and motivate employees is someone who can inspire them not only to work harder but rediscover a love for what they do. Employee happiness and engagement are some of the most prominent drivers of individual and organisational success, with these factors typically resulting in increased productivity, reduced turnover, and heightened profitability. By integrating motivational speakers within your company events, you can showcase how much your business values its employees, inspiring them to discover their full potential and, as a result, strengthen your bottom line.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from BrainSparx, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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For more information from BrainSparx, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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