This informal CPD article, ‘The Benefits of CPD-Certified Bid and Tender Writing Training’, was provided by Executive Compass, who provide bid management and bid writer services assisting owner-managed businesses, SMEs and large multi-national companies to win public and private sector contracts.
All public sector contracts over a certain value are subject to a competitive tender process, evaluated on a split between quality and price. As part of this evaluation, bidder organisations looking to become suppliers must respond to a series of forward-facing quality questions detailing how they will deliver the tendered goods, works or services.
Competition for public sector tenders is high, subject to a strict evaluation process, and can include reference to complex and specific terminology. Without adequate expertise, you risk submitting a non-compliant or low-scoring tender, thereby wasting valuable time and resources.
Consequently, bid and tender writing training is essential for organisations looking to do business with local and central government authorities – ensuring you have the confidence and subject matter knowledge to produce high-quality, competitive and winning tender submissions.
What is bid writing?
Ultimately, bid writing is the completion of documents to be completed as part of a compliant tender submission. Although this usually involves the completion of various ‘sign and return’ documents and forms supplying standard company information and data responses, the most arduous and time-consuming part of a tender submission is usually answering narrative responses for the qualification or quality section.
In addition to the rigorous and highly specific regulations governing a competitive tender exercise, competition within bid writing is extremely high. Often, contract awards are decided on a 2–3% difference between submissions. With many different topics to address and strict word or page limits often applied to each response, every word counts in bid writing.
To complete submissions to the required quality standard, bidder organisations will either allocate in-house resource to complete the bid or, more typically, employ a specialist bid writing consultancy or freelancer. If your organisation is completing multiple submissions across a calendar year, investing in CPD-certified bid and tender writing training is the more cost-effective solution in the long term.
Key benefits of bid and tender writing training
Any level of CPD-certified bid and tender writing training will effectively upskill your existing resource to have qualified, informed knowledge of the public sector procurement process. Ultimately, this will benefit in a more competent, confident and competitive internal bid team.
Making an informed ‘bid/no-bid’ decision
Many organisations have a loosely defined bidding strategy, driven either by a need to retain core contracts or increase revenue and sales during off-peak periods. Training on evaluating the requirements of a contract against existing capacity, whether this aligns sufficiently with existing experience and the time/resource investment will support a more strategic, structured approach to tendering.