The role of tuition in supporting equity in education

The role of tuition in supporting equity in education

08 Aug 2024


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This informal CPD article, ‘The role of tuition in supporting equity in education’, was provided by Frances Campbell from MyTutor, a leading UK online tuition platform providing quality tutoring for Key Stage 2-5 students.

Education is a necessity for every child. Yet, since the pandemic, the educational attainment gap, which measures the difference in academic achievement between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers, has widened significantly. According to research by the Education Policy Institute (2024), for secondary school students disadvantaged pupils are now 19.2 months behind - the highest level since 2012.

This means that thousands of pupils are at risk of falling behind their peers without additional support. There are many ways to create a more equitable education sector, with tutoring recognised as a high-impact intervention that plays an important role in levelling the playing field for all. It can be a lifeline to students who need to catch up and keep up to reach their full potential.

The benefits of 1:1 and small group tuition

Recognised by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) as one of the best chances we have of closing the attainment gap, tutoring has long been used to support pupils who are falling behind.

The 5 top benefits of tutoring

1. Tutoring closes learning gaps

Catching up after disrupted learning, whether from the pandemic, time off or other reason is essential to stop attainment gaps from growing. Tutoring gives students additional learning time to go at their own pace and plug learning gaps before they widen.

2. Tutoring builds confidence 

Getting time every week to talk 1:1 with a tutor, who is only there to help you succeed, is a great way to build confidence. Students can ask questions without the fear of getting it wrong and get learning tailored to their needs. This means they can go back into the classroom and exam hall, confident in their abilities.

 3. Tutoring improves grades

There’s plenty of evidence to back up the impact that personalised learning has on grades. The EEF’s research shows that students can go up a whole grade with the help of a tutor, meaning pupils can achieve the GCSE and A-Level grades they need for a bright future.

4. Tutoring provides additional support

Tutoring is not just about academic support. Knowing there is someone in your corner who cares about you can be life changing. Tutors can act as mentors and cheerleaders for young people, offering them advice on what to study and encouraging them to think bigger.

5. Tutoring helps students re-engage in education

Many students right now are struggling to attend school at all. It goes without saying that without attending and engaging in lessons, students can’t learn. With the support of a tutor and wider interventions, students can make steps back into education, re-engaging with school and eventually passing their exams.

While tutoring is not a magic bullet to solve the attainment gap, it is a learning intervention with wide-ranging benefits, which can significantly improve the outcomes of students who need it most. To provide equity in education, teachers and pupils need additional support. To help create an education system that serves all students, giving them the skills and confidence to thrive, interventions such as tutoring are essential.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from MyTutor, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.


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