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This is the FAQs

How should I allocate my CPD time?

The majority of institutions and professional bodies will allow members to choose subjects of relevance to them, whilst a minority will require their members to seek CPD training on a particular range of core subjects. All professionals must understand how CPD should be recorded and how much learning time is required for their role each year. As a general rule, we advise that at least 50% of CPD be completed in a structured CPD / active learning environment.

FAQ Question

FAQ Answer

Get recognised as an industry expert

The CPD Certification Service supports the Continuing Professional Development policies of institutional and professional organisations. Training courses, workshops and seminars are assessed and accredited against the universally accepted structured checklist which The CPD Service has developed over the past 20+ years. The process takes an impartial and objective review to ensure full conformity to CPD guidelines. The CPD Service’s recognised and authoritative CPD Member and CPD Certified symbols offer professional bodies and associations, as well as educational providers and consumers alike reassurance that training courses, workshops and seminars achieve the highest standards. Gaining CPD accreditation to help sell more training courses provides qualitative endorsement, greater profile recognition and industry recognised credibility. Continuing Professional Development accreditation improves the quality of your training courses, workshops and seminars. CPD accreditation provides access to experienced experts with advice and a framework to help you continuously improve. CPD accreditation demonstrates to delegates the steps taken to deliver the highest training standards which can ultimately help you sell more training and increase delegate bookings for workshops.

What is accredited CPD training?

External validation demonstrates to attendees the steps taken to deliver the highest possible training standards. The CPD Certification Service provides independent CPD accreditation compatible with international requirements. Our CPD symbols are recognised in over 100+ countries and offer professional bodies, institutional associations, educational providers and consumers reassurance that further learning achieves the qualitative standards required by all parties.

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The majority of our customers ask whether our courses are CPD approved and recognise the importance of having courses reviewed by The CPD Certification Service.

ME Learning

We have won training contracts due to CPD accreditation. It highlights to delegates we take learning seriously as we invest in an independent assessment of our training. The CPD Certification Service has helped to create higher quality training and strengthen our learning objectives.

Basis Training

Our CPD is used for basic training and knowledge to places such as local councils - for awareness and to update them on the values of British and European Standards.

Baldwin Boxall

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