CPD Courses


See the latest International Training CPD courses from the International industry

Showing 48 of 2,295 results

International Training

Políticas; Normas e Controle Interno - C533

PetroShore Compliance Business School

incidiremos sobre os princípios básicos de políticas; normas e controles internos. Vamos analisar a...
Online Course
International Training

Certified Negotiator


This training course will enhance delegates’ ability to negotiate effectively - a critical competenc...
Training Course
International Training

Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) Course

A2Z Resilience

The course will deliver the knowledge and understand of what is required when you are establishing o...
Training Course
International Training

Information Security


Information is the most valuable commodity in the world;so you need to know how to keep it secure. L...
Online Course
International Training

Creating High-Value Content


Train your marketing teams on the benefits of content marketing. Help them understand how to create...
Online Course
International Training

Completions Design School

Asia Edge

This 5 day school is aimed at engineers and supervisors who already have an understanding of well co...
Training Course
International Training

Careers with Animals

International Open Academy

Now is your chance to put into action a career working with animals! This course is ideal for anyone...
Online Course
International Training

Adding value to experts (effective KOLs Communicat...

DataClin CRO

KOLs are in the heart of all MA activities; learning how to effectively communicate with them will d...
Training Course
International Training

Internal Auditor Training Course AS9100:2016

IMSM Training Ltd

A comprehensive internal auditor training course to ensure that the standard is administered and mai...
Training Course
International Training

DSO Advanced Learning and development programme

SAB Safeguarding

Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk - An advanced; bespoke and tailored learning and developmen...
Training Course
International Training

Os fundamentos da Inteligência social - C78

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso vamos ajudá-lo a ter a compreensão da relação do conceito de INTELIGÊNCIA SOCIAL com sua...
Online Course
International Training

C51 - Introdução à gestão de escritórios de advoca...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Tendo em vista a evolução social e a mudança no mercado jurídico; bem como a demanda dos clientes e...
Online Course
International Training

Governança Corporativa - C303

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta capacitação; incidiremos sobre os elementos chave da governação empresarial e discutiremos o p...
Online Course
International Training

Equality and Diversity


Learn why equality and diversity in the workplace are important; and see how you can promote them in...
Online Course
International Training

Content Management Systems


Train your marketing teams on the benefits a CMS brings. Show them how to choose a CMS that works fo...
Online Course
International Training

Healthcare Quality Management Training Course

The Compass Health Consultancy

This course is a comprehensive program crafted to provide healthcare professionals; whether experien...
Training Course
International Training

Disruptive Leadership

Omni HR Consulting

A 40-week programme geared towards individuals operating within management positions to bridge the g...
Online Course
International Training

Effective Plant Turnaround Management

Asia Edge

The purpose of the course is to present a Model of Excellence for Turnarounds that has been develope...
Training Course
International Training

Card Magic

International Open Academy

If you would like to start building your magic skill set; this is the right course for you! You’ll l...
Online Course
International Training

A GCP Compliant Clinical Research

DataClin CRO

This training module covers the Basic Principles of International Conference on Harmonisation's (ICH...
Training Course
International Training

Internal Auditor Training Course ISOIEC 20000:2018

IMSM Training Ltd

A comprehensive internal auditor training course to ensure that the standard is administered and mai...
Training Course
International Training

Team Building for Managers Workshop

Inspire Management Training Centre

Team building is an important part of the work experience. It is not only applicable to your work li...
Training Course
International Training

O Regime de Vínculos; Carreiras e Remunerações da...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos sobre os processos de gestão do pessoal administrativo no setor público...
Online Course
International Training

C15 - Fundamentos da Auditoria

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso conheceremos os elementos fundamentais da auditoria interna; as fases que esta possui e...
Online Course
International Training

Certified Supply Chain Analytics Professional (CSC...

Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications

This Certified Supply Chain Analytics Professional (CSCA™) program will show you how to adopt supply...
Online Course
International Training

Gestão de Riscos e Elaboraçao de Mapas - C26

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta capacitação analisaremos o tratamento de Riscos com base em COSO Framework e a ISO 31000. Disc...
Online Course
International Training

Sexual Harassment


Learn how to create a safe workplace; and how to effectively respond to incidents of sexual harassme...
Online Course
International Training

Content Communities


Train your marketing executives and managers on content communities. Teach them how to create strate...
Online Course
International Training

Remote – Information Security Training – UK – Oper...

Amber Gaming Compliance Academy

This course has been designed to highlight the importance of information security from an operationa...
Training Course
International Training

EPCIC Contract Management & Essential Elements of...

Asia Edge

Understanding the essential ingredients of contracts and mastering the fundamentals will equip you t...
Training Course
International Training

Building Rapport

Working Voices Ltd

Having the ability to create great rapport leads to a much deeper level of trust and understanding w...
Online Course
International Training

Cocktail Training & Menu Creation

International Open Academy

Wouldn’t you love to have a career that gives you the opportunity to be creative and make people hap...
Online Course
International Training

C50 - Noções básicas de Sobre a Economia Comportam...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos quais são as bases e aplicações da Economia Comportamental; as bases cie...
Online Course
International Training

C01 - Abordagem baseada no risco

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso; aprofundaremos o tema relativo ao método de avaliação e identificação de riscos previst...
Online Course
International Training

Certified SEO & SEM Marketing Manager (CSEO™)

Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications

This Certified SEO & SEM Marketing Manager (CSEO™) program will teach you how to implement power...
Online Course
International Training

ISO 37301 Critérios 6 e 7 - C37

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta capacitação; iremos prepará-lo(a) paro cumprimento dos elementos irremediáveis do Planejamento...
Online Course
International Training

Fire Safety Awareness


Learn how to prevent a fire in the workplace and how to respond correctly in the event of a fire wit...
Online Course
International Training

AI-Powered Copy


Train your content teams on the benefits and limitations of AI-powered copywriting tools. Help them...
Online Course
International Training

Gas Processing

Asia Edge

This 5 day course covers the design of systems for natural gas handling and treatment from the wellh...
Training Course
International Training

Confidence and Self-esteem

Working Voices Ltd

Having confidence and self-esteem is not a skill but a result of behaviour that you can learn about...
Online Course
International Training

Coding for Beginners

International Open Academy

The terms coding and programming are thrown about quite frequently in the computer world; but most p...
Online Course
International Training

Introdução à Inovação e Competitividade - C286

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação conheceremos como devemos prevenir os riscos de Branqueamento de Capitais; para as en...
Online Course
International Training

Identificar e Avaliar os Riscos de Distorção Mater...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso visa compreender e analisar o risco de distorção material; que é o risco inerente e o ris...
Online Course
International Training

Certificate in Practical Finance and Accounting

The Centre for Operations & Procurement Excellence

Accounting is often called the language of business; it is the language that managers use to communi...
Training Course
International Training

Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Drug and alcohol abuse can create serious problems for employees and employers alike. Learn how to h...
Online Course
International Training

The Power of User-Generated Content


Train your marketing teams on user-generated content. Show them the different types of UGC that can...
Online Course
International Training

The role of the mental health lead for Internation...

Zenub Khan Professional Development & Education Services

This course delves into the pivotal role of Mental Health Leads in international and independent sch...
Online Course
International Training

Student & Education Coaching Course Programme

Mental Sea Academy

The Student & Education Coaching Course Programme is designed to equip professionals with the skills...
Training Course