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Financial Edge Training

Learn to use one of the major Python libraries used for analysis, Pandas Library, to clean and manip...
Online Course


Financial Edge Training

Learn to use one of the major Python libraries used for analysis, Matplotlib Library, to visualize t...
Online Course

Dates and Times

Financial Edge Training

Learn to use the Dates, Times, Time Delta, Calendar Libraries in Python, and apply your skills to ex...
Online Course

SQL - Getting Started

Financial Edge Training

SQL is a powerful industry-standard programming language used to write queries that allow the progra...
Online Course

SQL - Fundamental Concepts

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist, learn and apply the main syntax rules, string and numeric types used in SQL.
Online Course

SQL - Organization Data

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist, understand how to organize and filter data with the use of clauses and statement...
Online Course

Monetary Systems

Financial Edge Training

This playlist gives you an introduction to and overview of monetary systems. Understand the role of...
Online Course

Understanding Economic Cycles

Financial Edge Training

This playlist will help you understand how Economics Cycles work. Understand how to assess comparati...
Online Course

Macroeconomic Indicators

Financial Edge Training

Understand the main leading macroeconomic indicators with industry examples with this playlist. Th...
Online Course

Global Capital Markets History

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist, learn the history of Global Capital Markets. The Portfolio Manager is designed...
Online Course

Equity Indicies

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist you will learn what an equity index is and how it is used to assess price or tota...
Online Course

Menu and Shortcut Basics

Financial Edge Training

This playlist is an introduction to the fundamental Excel functions, including basic shortcuts and t...
Online Course

Basic Formatting

Financial Edge Training

Build organized and presentable models with these essential formatting tools with this playlist.&nbs...
Online Course

Basic Formulas and Calculations

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist you will learn how to apply basic formulas and calculations in Excel.
Online Course

Basic Functions

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist you will understand how to apply basic functions.
Online Course

Naming Cell References

Financial Edge Training

Understand how to name commonly used cells with this playlist. 
Online Course

Advanced Formatting

Financial Edge Training

Learn with this playlist how to use and apply cell styles, conditional formatting, and data validati...
Online Course

Exploring a Model

Financial Edge Training

This playlist demonstrates the Excel tools you can use for greater efficiency when exploring models.
Online Course

Text and Date

Financial Edge Training

Understand the key Excel functions for text and date, including data extraction, manipulation and re...
Online Course


Financial Edge Training

Understand the Excel tools for scenario and sensitivity analysis, including the following functions...
Online Course

Data Extraction

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist, understand how to efficiently extract data in Excel.
Online Course

Sensitivity Data Tables

Financial Edge Training

Understand and apply the Excel tools for building simple to advanced data tables.
Online Course

Goal Seek and Solver

Financial Edge Training

Understand the purpose and application of Excel's Goal Seek Tool with examples in financial analysis...
Online Course

Database Analysis

Financial Edge Training

Learn the essential Excel tools to efficiently analyse databases.
Online Course

Introduction to Macros

Financial Edge Training

This playlist is an introduction to Macros and the VBA editor. 
Online Course

Accounting Ratios

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist understand why ratios are important. Exploring the calculation of four groups of...
Online Course

Introduction to Financial Statements

Financial Edge Training

With this playlist, understand how each of the three main financial statements integrate together an...
Online Course

Financial Accounting Review

Financial Edge Training

This playlist will ensure you understand the fundamentals of financial accounting.
Online Course

Income Statement

Financial Edge Training

This playlist is a deep dive into income statements. Understand their structure and application, as...
Online Course

Working Capital

Financial Edge Training

This playlist is a comprehensive look at working capital.
Online Course

Non-Current Assets

Financial Edge Training

This playlist explores non-current assets. Understand how to classify non current assets, and how to...
Online Course

Capital Structure

Financial Edge Training

Understand and analyze a company's capital structure in detail.
Online Course

Showing 0 of 5,901 results

Showing 0 of 12,662 results