CPD Courses


See the latest Legal Services CPD courses from the Legal industry

Showing 48 of 706 results

Legal Services

Ley Bancaria en Marcha en México - E172

PetroShore Compliance Business School

O curso de formação Ley Bancaria en marcha en México foi concebido para proporcionar uma educação a...
Online Course
Legal Services

Anti-bribery & Corruption

Peninsula Business Services

Bribery is the most common form of corruption. Imagine offering a gift in exchange for a favour to r...
Online Course
Legal Services

Modern Slavery Training


This training course is aimed at professionals whose work may bring them into contact with potential...
Training Course
Legal Services

Good Procurement Practice


The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of why good procurement practice is important i...
Online Course
Legal Services

Introdução e Apresentação Sistemas Integrados de G...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Esse curso consiste em conhecer as principais ferramentas e metodologias para os Sistema Integrados...
Online Course
Legal Services

Actitudes en la Relación con el Usuario - E284

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Esta formação ajudará os programadores a ganharem conhecimentos sobre como as atitudes em relação ao...
Online Course
Legal Services


Peninsula Business Services

Whistleblowing is when a worker reports certain types of wrongdoing. This will usually be; although...
Online Course
Legal Services

How to Conduct Effective Absence Management Part 1


Part 1/2: Managing absence effectively is vital for school management; this module provides understa...
Online Course
Legal Services

Conceitos fundamentais do Risco Reputacional - C22...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Esse curso está destinado à capacitação de gestores e líderes na identificação e gestão dos riscos r...
Online Course
Legal Services

Tenancy Deposit Dispute Workshop

HFIS Group

We will be there to give advice on the dispute process and provide best practice by running through...
Training Course
Legal Services

Aumentar la resistencia al estrés - E285

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso foi concebido para ajudar a aumentar a resistência ao stress e desenvolver estratégias de...
Online Course
Legal Services

¿Que es la politica criminologica?- EF045

PetroShore Compliance Business School

La Política Criminológica es una disciplina que estudia y analiza las causas; consecuencias y los ef...
Online Course
Legal Services

Safe Isolation (Lockout / Tagout) Awareness

Peninsula Business Services

This course is designed to give people an awareness of how to carry out safe isolation of plant equi...
Online Course
Legal Services

How to Conduct Effective Absence Management Part 2


Part 2/2: Managing absence effectively is vital for school management; this module provides understa...
Online Course
Legal Services

Preventing gender-based violence in youth settings...

Restorative Justice for All International Institute

This interactive CPD certified e-course aims to train youth workers; educators and all those working...
Online Course
Legal Services

Conceitos fundamentais dos Indicadores de Risco (K...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar gestores e líderes através do tratamento estratégico de risco...
Online Course
Legal Services

Grupos en las organizaciones: Conceptos y supuesto...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso incidiremos sobre os conceitos e pressupostos principais relacionados com as dinâmicas...
Online Course
Legal Services

Lesiones por caída y precipitación - EF089

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Caída y precipitación son dos formas clásicas de mecanismos traumantes por ello la importancia del e...
Online Course
Legal Services

Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000 Awareness...

Mandate Systems

This is an online zoom webinar training which is hosted by a trained facilitator who has over 10 yea...
Legal Services

HR Essentials Part 1


During this module you will gain an understanding of the fundamental HR concepts that are required f...
Online Course
Legal Services

Empty Homes Webinar

Finders International

For this webinar; we are hosting Shaun Moss who will be providing his expertise in the Housing Healt...
Legal Services

Gestão de Riscos e o seu Contexto na Gestão de Pro...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar gestores de projeto e líderes através do tratamento estratégi...
Online Course
Legal Services

C271 - Tensão entre a Transparência e os Incentivo...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso irá ajudá-lo a analisar como a Transparência pode induzir e estimular o alinhamento de pr...
Online Course
Legal Services

Ciberdelincuencia - E008

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este es un curso fundamental que brinda información esencial sobre el delito cibernético; la Convenc...
Online Course
Legal Services

Investigación Forense de la asfixia por ahorcamien...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

El curso de Investigación Forense de la asfixia por ahorcamiento es un programa educativo diseñado p...
Online Course
Legal Services

HR Essentials Part 2


During this module you will gain an understanding of the fundamental HR concepts that are required f...
Online Course
Legal Services

Introdução aos Derivados Financeiros - C196

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Esta formação apresenta as características e a dinâmica do mercado de derivados financeiros (como co...
Online Course
Legal Services

C266 - Fundamentos da Vitimologia

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso irá ajuda-lo a compreender; desde um ponto de vista científico; como a vitimologia contri...
Online Course
Legal Services

Tipologías de Amenazas Ciberneticas - E021

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso sobre tipologías de ciberamenazas ofrece una visión general de los diferentes tipos y cat...
Online Course
Legal Services

Ley Olimpia; efectos en la práctica legal - EF092

PetroShore Compliance Business School

El curso Ley Olimpia se enfoca en proporcionar conocimientos y comprensión sobre la legislación que...
Online Course
Legal Services

Integrated Curriculum and Financial Planning (ICFP...


Integrated curriculum and financial planning (ICFP) is a management process that helps schools plan...
Online Course
Legal Services

Planeamento Estratégico e Operacional de Recursos...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nesta formação aprenderemos sobre os principais conceitos e práticas necessárias para a realização d...
Online Course
Legal Services

C257 - Planeamento Inicial da Investigação

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso irá ajudá-lo a compreender como se realiza a fase de planejamento operacional; tático e e...
Online Course
Legal Services

El Origen del Compliance - E024

PetroShore Compliance Business School

En este curso profundizaremos en la historia y origen del compliance; así como en los diferentes mod...
Online Course
Legal Services

Perfilación criminal "En la mente de un asesino" E...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

El curso de Perfilación criminal "En la mente de un asesino" es un programa educativo diseñado para...
Online Course
Legal Services

Managing Challenging Employees


In this module you will learn how to handle challenging employees and the management of them.
Online Course
Legal Services

Understanding and Challenging DNA Evidence

Forensic Access

In this unique presentation by a forensic biologist; weÂ’ll be providing valuable insight into DNA; t...
Legal Services

Visão Geral da Amostragem Aplicada à Auditoria - C...

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Os objetivos dessa formação consistem em conhecer as principais ferramentas metodológicas para uma a...
Online Course
Legal Services

C205 - Introdução à Auditoria Interna Bancária

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Este curso tem o foco conhecer a importância da prova em auditoria interna. Conceitos; objetivos; ri...
Online Course
Legal Services

Employer Guidance on Effectively Managing Employee...

Peninsula Business Services

This workshop will provide a step by step guide on managing every level of absenteeism to ensure you...
Training Course
Legal Services

Dementia Awareness

Taye Training

This course is for anyone who is supporting or caring for someone with dementia. The course will cov...
Training Course
Legal Services

E25 ISO 37301 - Critério 4 Contexto

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Cuando se habla de compliance; es importante tener en cuenta el contexto de la organización porque p...
Online Course
Legal Services

Criminología Laboral - EF020

PetroShore Compliance Business School

La criminología laboral es un campo de estudio que se enfoca en la comprensión y análisis de los del...
Online Course
Legal Services

Managing Staff Restructure and Redundancy Part 1


Part 1/2: Restructures can be legally complex and require proper handling. This module enables you t...
Online Course
Legal Services

Conceitos Fundamentais do Direito Bancário - C170

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Neste curso são abordadas as temáticas associadas diretamente com o contexto do Direito Bancário; ra...
Online Course
Legal Services

C178 - O Relatório de Auditoria Interna

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nosso curso de Relatório de Auditoria Interna; terá como foco demonstrar de forma teórica e prática;...
Online Course
Legal Services

Risk Assessment and Management

Taye Training

To provide professional staff; working in a support setting; with the skills to identify and recogni...
Training Course
Legal Services

Conflictos de Interés - E030

PetroShore Compliance Business School

Nuestro objetivo en este curso es ayudar a las personas a identificar los conflictos de intereses en...
Online Course