LinkedIn Survey Poll Results – How can CPD help to enhance employability?

LinkedIn Survey Poll Results – How can CPD help to enhance employability?

18 Apr 2024

CPD News Team

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CPD is a foundational tool for many professionals interested in increasing their employability and can provide significant value for individuals looking to stand out and advance their career. We recently conducted an online survey on our LinkedIn page asking followers what they found to be the most important benefit of participating in CPD to enhance employability. In this article, we will discuss the results of our poll, highlighting each of the key findings and providing a short analysis of the results.

What is CPD?

Continuing Professional Development, or CPD, is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. CPD is about the individual and their commitment to ongoing lifelong learning. It encourages looking forward and identifying opportunities to learn something new, refresh existing knowledge, improve skills, or keep up-to-date with the latest developments within a particular profession or industry.

CPD combines different methodologies to learning, which includes training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and events, webinars and online eLearning programs. For more information on the different forms of CPD, you can find a comprehensive explanation here.

What are the employability benefits of CPD?

The results of the March 2024 LinkedIn poll suggest that participation in CPD provides numerous essential advantages for enhancing a professional’s employability. In order of the most votes received, the four key benefits were:

Acquire in-demand skills

According to our LinkedIn poll, the most valuable way that CPD enhances employability is through the acquiring of in-demand skills and was voted for by 39% of respondents. The ability to maintain relevant expertise can be challenging in today’s dynamic job market. Advancements in technology and ever-evolving industry standards can drastically change organisational requirements. Undertaking CPD can expose professionals to the latest industry trends and technologies as well as learn the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.

Furthermore, ongoing participation in a range CPD activities is important as skills that are considered necessary can change over time. The CPD cycle can be used to stay up-to-date with in-demand skills by helping professionals to identify needs, plan their CPD, act on their CPD plan, reflect on learning and implement new knowledge accordingly.

Boost marketability and CV

31% of voters believe marketability and CV is the most significant reason CPD can aid employability. Employee marketability is especially important in competitive job markets with individuals increasingly required to ensure they stand out from others. Participating in CPD displays a commitment to self-learning and a desire to improve professional proficiency which is often attractive to employers. A degree of previous demonstrated competence in a subject can assure recruiters that potential new employees have sufficient level of knowledge and understanding to fulfil the role.

A convenient way to display marketability to potential employers is to include any completed CPD activities in your CV. This can help to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge and gives potential recruiters an opportunity to assess a candidate’s employability before the interview stage.

Keeping an accurate CPD record using a free online tool like myCPD Portal can be used to help manage, track and log your ongoing activities to support a professional CV. Store your personal training record and CPD attendance certificates in one simple place.

Advance career prospects

CPD can help individuals advance their career prospects and was chosen by 22% of voters. Importantly, CPD can help professionals in their role and build a deep understanding of their area of specialisation. Precuring skills through participating in relevant CPD can advance career prospects within an individual’s chosen field. It can also increase job opportunities within an industry and lead to employment benefits such as increased salary or greater responsibility and seniority within an organisation.

Continuing Professional Development is also beneficial for those looking to potentially change career or move into a different role. CPD offers opportunities to develop key transferable skills, reskill themselves or to focus development on new areas of interest.

Build professional network

While only 8% of voters believe building a professional network is the main reason CPD can help enhance employability, its value as an advantage can still be significant. Building and expanding your professional network can be challenging, especially if you do not already have established connections within your chosen field. CPD events help professionals network with others in their industry. It also gives professionals an opportunity to meet potential employers and colleagues in similar related industries.

Furthermore, gaining new skills and knowledge through participating in CPD can open new career opportunities as specific networking situations may only be available to industry experts or skilled individuals. Developing skills intentionally in areas of interest can be a valuable way of building a professional network and ultimately enhance overall marketability and employability.

These four key benefits CPD provides in increasing employability are by no means the full extent of the value of CPD. Incorporating continuous learning into your professional life and actively participating in self-improvement activities can provide ongoing value regardless of profession throughout a career.

Where can I find CPD courses to enhance employability?

We hope this article about how CPD can help enhance your employability was helpful. Within the CPD Courses Catalogue, there are a range of courses, as well as other beneficial CPD learning including educational events, eLearning programs, conferences, workshops and seminars – all of which have been formally CPD certified. To find out more about a particular CPD course listed on our website, complete an enquiry form and the details will be sent directly to the relevant CPD provider.

Learn more about the benefits of CPD for your employability

To find out more about the benefits of CPD for organisations and professionals, you can read our related articles:

Is CPD good for my CV?

Practical tips on how CPD can help your career

What is CPD and How Does it Benefit my Career Prospects?

LinkedIn Survey Poll Results - What is the most important benefit of CPD to your career?

How to gain CPD accreditation for training courses and events

We hope this article was helpful. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors. If you are looking to provide training that may be suitable for Continuing Professional Development, please visit the Become a CPD Provider page or contact our team to discuss in more detail.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a free online CPD record tool to help manage, track and log your ongoing Continuing Professional Development, as well as store your personal training record and CPD attendance certificates in one simple place, please visit the myCPD Portal page.


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