
CPD in the Lobbying & Reporting sector

Browse CPD Lobbying & Reporting Training Providers

Our Streets Now

A national campaign to end public sexual harassment, demanding the right of women and girls to b...
Our Streets Now


Untangling economic fallacies

Compassion in Politics

Compassion has the power to change politics for good.
Compassion in Politics

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarter...

Deepens the Commonwealth's Commitment to democratic governance by bringing together Parliamentar...
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

Atlas Analytics

Expert analytical skills for individuals and organisations. Sharing our analytical and operatio...
Atlas Analytics

Leap Professional (Kaboodle Leadership)

Leadership Is .......on-line professional development
Leap Professional (Kaboodle Leadership)

Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament.

Elected body that represents the interests of Wales and its people
Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament.

GovNet Communications

GovNet’s well-established, leading events cover education, health, technology, justice, security...
GovNet Communications

Oris Media

Loss Prevention Publications, Events and Education
Oris Media

Unite the Union

Democratic and campaigning union which fights back for employees in the workplace
Unite the Union

The Payments Association

Membership association of payments industry influencers
The Payments Association

The Business Centre Association (BCA)

Voice of the business centre sector since 1989
The Business Centre Association (BCA)


Public affairs and communications support

Spectrum Courses Limited

Presentation & Production Services
Spectrum Courses Limited

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CPD Lobbying & Reporting Courses and Workshops

Lobbying & Reporting

Do Unions really work?


Analogos provides training that looks at the real-world effects of Unions; aimed primarily at the bu...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Where do monopolies come from?


Analogos provides training that looks at the different ways in which monopolies form; aimed primaril...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Price Controls – Roofs or Ceilings


Analogos provides training that looks at the different forms of price controls; aimed primarily at t...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Tackling Harassment in Sports and Exercise

Our Streets Now

These sessions are designed to increase confidence of professionals working in sports and exercise t...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Understanding and Tackling Public Sexual Harassmen...

Our Streets Now

Our staff sessions are designed to increase confidence from teaching staff in understanding; respond...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Unaffordable Housing Schemes


Analogos provides training that offers a prevention for unaffordable housing rather than a cure. Aim...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Cyber Security Intelligence Analysis and Assessmen...

Atlas Analytics

This course is targeted at cyber security professionals and focuses on the use of Structured Analyti...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Does Diversity Work?


Analogos provides training that promotes meritocracy over equity and diversity. Aimed at any group,...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Financial Crime Intelligence Analysis and Assessme...

Atlas Analytics

This course is targeted at organisations that want to establish a financial intelligence or threat a...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Autism in the workplace

Unite the Union

This course is for employees or employers who wish to understand more about Autism and also their re...
Lobbying & Reporting

Dignity at work

Unite the Union

An introduction to dignity at work; covering the equality act and the topic of dignity; respect and...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Regulation 101

The Payments Association

A comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of the regulations applicable to the various paymen...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Strategic Leadership Development

Kenley College

The Strategic Leadership Development programme prepares and positions emerging leaders for sustainab...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Payments 101

The Payments Association

The payments industry has never been as fascinating as it is right now. From traditional financial s...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Management Development Programme (Commission Manag...

Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament.

The Commission Manager Programme has been designed to provide new and existing managers in the Assem...
Training Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Management Development Programme (Commission Manag...

Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament.

The Commission Manager Programme has been designed to provide new and existing managers in the Assem...
Training Course

CPD Lobbying & Reporting Online & eLearning

Lobbying & Reporting

Home to School Transport: Safeguarding & SEND Awar...

Spectrum Courses Limited

A certified, online safeguarding course specifically for Home to School Transport providers includin...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

NEAT Safeguarding and SEND Awareness Course (Year...

Spectrum Courses Limited

A bespoke Course built for National Express Accessible Transport.
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

CWP: Effective Women's Parliamentary Caucuses

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course is designed for elected or appointed parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. It offers...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Parliamentary Action on Climate Change in Small Ju...

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course is designed for elected or appointed parliamentarians and parliamentary staff; with the...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Making Parliaments Accessible to Persons with Disa...

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course is designed for elected or appointed parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. Throughou...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

201 - Advanced - Speaker and Presiding Officer Cou...

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

The primary objective of this course is to provide newly appointed Speakers and Presiding Officers o...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Home to School Transport: Safeguarding & SEND Awar...

Spectrum Courses Limited

A certified, online safeguarding refresher course specifically for Home to School Transport provider...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Financial Crime Intelligence Analysis

Atlas Analytics

This course is targeted at organisations that want to establish a financial intelligence or threat a...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

201 - Public Accounts Committee Course

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

A great accompaniment to The Committee System course; this course focuses on the Public Accounts Com...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

04 - Building Relationships

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course covers a crucial aspect of any parliamentary staff memberÂ’s role and that is navigating;...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

05 - Strategy; Business Planning and Monitoring an...

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course offers a better understanding of corporate governance through a contemporary lens that g...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

03 - Parliamentary Procedure: The Basics

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This can be one of the more intimidating aspects of parliamentary processes. Therefore; having an on...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

02 - The Committee System

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course provides an overview of the committee system within a parliamentary context. The course...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

104 - Representation; Advocacy and Education

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

The Representation; Advocacy and Education course covers a range of topics relevant to contemporary...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

01 - Administration and Management of Parliament

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

In this course students will learn about the complex systems of administration and management that m...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

103 - Scrutiny; Accountability and Oversight

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This course covers the many varied ways that scrutiny is conducted within parliaments; committees; a...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

102 - Legislative Process

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This online course looks in detail at the legislative process in a step-by-step way. The course look...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

NEAT Safeguarding and SEND Awareness Course (Year...

Spectrum Courses Limited

A bespoke Course built for National Express Accessible Transport.
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Induction for New Parliamentarians

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat

This online course is designed for newly elected or appointed parliamentarians. It is also valuable...
Online Course
Lobbying & Reporting

Safeguarding and Awareness for Home to School Tran...

Spectrum Courses Limited

Safeguarding & Awareness Course for Transport Teams working with vulnerable children in Home to Scho...
Online Course

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